Hepatitis B virus blood test
Hepatitis B virus blood test Medical Video will demonstrate the process of performing HBsAg test and how to read and interpret the result as HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface antigen) negative or HBsAg positive case
Step 1. Prepare the Plasma/Serum by drawing about 1ml of blood
Step 2. Place the cassette that comes in the test kit on a flat surface
Step 3. Drop about 1 - 2 drops of Plasma/Serum into the "S" marked sample well
Step 4. Read the result within 5 to 20 minutes
One line adjacent to "C" control mark and No line adjacent to "T" mark then the result is negative for Hepatitis surface antigen
One line adjacent to "C" and one line Adjacent to "T" then the test is positive for Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
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